Churchyard Maintenance

All residents of The Wolfords have a right to burial in the Churchyard of St Michael and All Angels, Great Wolford, the parish church of the ecclesiastical parish of Wolford - it is not necessary to be a churchgoer. Although most Parish Councils have the power to be a burial authority, Wolford Parochial Church Council (PCC), rather than The Wolfords Joint Parish Council (TWJPC), is the current burial authority for The Wolfords. Wolford PCC provides the cemetery in which residents of Great and Little Wolford may be buried; it also holds and maintains all burial records, and makes burial arrangements. Wolford PCC is also responsible for the maintenance of the Churchyard.

This maintenance includes mowing the grass, trimming back shrubs, brambles and nettles, and more recently, restoration of the eastern end of the Churchyard and tidying of the composting area, which are both ongoing. Also, major deterioration to the boundary wall means that repair costs are likely to be several thousand pounds, which the PCC is unable to meet from its current resources. 

Wolford PCC has the opportunity to apply annually to TWJPC for a grant as a contribution towards the costs of maintaining the Churchyard - however, this grant is not guaranteed, or automatically given, as it is subject to the availability of funds from TWJPC’s precept. A small number of families with relatives interred in the Churchyard also make voluntary contributions. The remainder of the cost of Churchyard maintenance is borne by Wolford PCC. 

Wolford PCC’s own fundraising work includes organising fish & chips suppers, quiz and bingo nights, coffee mornings, and live concerts.  

Donations from individuals are always welcome. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of this essential work, please email the Wolford PCC Treasurer, Ann McKenna, at: