News & Meetings

We Did It - Target Exceeded!


Good news! As a result of the Community Grant from WALC, and the generosity of LW residents to help push us over the line, we have not only achieved our fundraising target, but exceed it! We are grateful to everyone who contributed - thank you. The final total raised was £2,107.

The Wolfords Village Hall have kindly given us permission to install the defibrillator on the outside wall of the village hall

We are now liaising with Community Heartbeat Trust regarding the purchase of the defibrillator, which they will be installing for us in due course. 

New Footbridge


We're delighted to see the unsafe bridge down at Nethercote Brook has now been replaced with a brand new one. This means the right of way is reopen, allowing walkers and residents to once again choose a scenic country walk to go between the two Wolfords.

Ready For Any Emergency


Purchased with help of a grant from Warwickshire County Council, Little Wolford now has an Emergency grab bag. When the Wolfords Village Hall reopens, this will be stored there, ready for use in the event of a community emergency such as flood or fire. Items in the kit include rain ponchos, foil blankets, a small first aid kit, a wind-up radio, head torch and hazard tape. There is also bottled water and sandbags. Little Wolford Parish Meeting has prepared an Emergency Plan, with key contacts and info on how to activate this laminated in the emergency bag.

New Parish Noticeboard in Little Wolford


New Parish Noticeboard installed on The Green. On 16 June 2019, residents of Little Wolford gathered on The Green for the official 'unveiling ceremony' of the new noticeboard. Huge thanks go to Colin Ablewhite for designing and making the noticeboard.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of The Wolfords Joint Parish Council will be held on Tue 30th July 2024 at 7.30pm in The Wolfords Village Hall, Little Wolford.

Local Councillors and MPs

District Councillor (Stratford-on-Avon District Council)
Sarah Whalley-Hoggins

County Councillor (Warwickshire County Council)
Jo Barker 

Member of Parliament (Stratford-on-Avon)
Manuela Perteghella (Lib Dem) 

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